Episode 491

Ep 491 - Chasing Financial Security

Episode Summary

In this episode, Ian talks about the trade-offs he's made between material success and happiness. 

  • Find out how to make your own way in the world by pursuing personal development, self-discovery, and financial stability. 
  • Learn how the results for personal development were less than stellar since some people didn't commit to it entirely. 
  • Learn to restrict your beliefs in order to improve your thinking and get consistent results.

Heal your unresolved and unknown grief: https://www.ianhawkinscoaching.com/thegriefcode

About the Host:

Ian Hawkins is the Founder and Host of The Grief Code. Dealing with grief firsthand with the passing of his father back in 2005 planted the seed in Ian to discover what personal freedom and legacy truly are. This experience was the start of his journey to healing the unresolved and unknown grief that was negatively impacting every area of his life. Leaning into his own intuition led him to leave corporate and follow his purpose of creating connections for himself and others. 

The Grief Code is a divinely guided process that enables every living person to uncover their unresolved and unknown grief and dramatically change their lives and the lives of those they love. Thousands of people have now moved from loss to light following this exact process. 

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I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Grief Coach podcast, thank you so much for listening. 

Please share it with a friend or family member that you know would benefit from hearing it too. 

If you are truly ready to heal your unresolved or unknown grief, let's chat. Email me at info@ianhawkinscoaching.com

You can also stay connected with me by joining The Grief Code community at www.ianhawkinscoaching.com/thegriefcode and remember, so that I can help even more people to heal, please subscribe and leave a review on your favourite podcast platform.


Ian Hawkins 0:02

Are you ready, ready to release internal pain to find confidence, clarity and direction for your future, to live a life of meaning, fulfillment and contribution to trust your intuition again, but something's been holding you back, you've come to the right place. Welcome. I'm a Ian Hawkins, the host and founder of The Grief Code podcast. Together, let's heal your unresolved or unknown grief by unlocking your grief code. As you tune into each episode, you will receive insight into your own grief, how to eliminate it, and what to do next. Before we start by one request, if any new insights or awareness land with you during this episode, please send me an email at info at the Ian Hawkins coaching.com. And let me know what you found. I know the power of this work, I love to hear the impact these conversations have. Okay, let's get into it. For many people, they get to about midway through their life, and they start thinking about their future and start thinking particularly from a financial perspective, will I have enough money for the most important things in my life. But it can also be a big driver for a lot of people to want to improve things, to have that security for themselves and for the most important people in their life. And I get that, right. That's been a big part of my experience as well. But what I've learned is that if you're just chasing financial security, then it comes at a substantial cost. You either make all the money, and things are going well from that perspective. But it comes at a cost to your health, to your relationships and your ability to find fulfillment in your life. Or the alternative is you get those things sorted. But you end up having this desperation. And this neediness when you're chasing it, that you block off, the money coming in, and you end up not having it the very thing that you were chasing. So the start of my personal growth journey was all about finding financial security. But four or five years after my dad passed, when I was looking for something I was looking for answers, and I remember hearing that because of the global financial crisis that people couldn't retire because their retirement fund. In Australia, we have the superannuation fund that the money coming out of our wage into that fund crashed with the market so they couldn't retire. Now, for me, that just didn't make any sense. So that actually blew my mind. I'm like, How can that be. So that was a massive motivator for me to make changes to be able to create that security, not just for myself, but for my family. What I didn't know is going to be going on was a journey of actually self discovery and, and realizing that it was so much more than financial security that I was chasing. Because if it's just financial security that you're chasing, then you'll always be chasing it, you'll always be looking for something else for something else. But when you learn that there's what is it that's underlying that financial security? What are you actually looking for, through having money, what will money give you that doesn't that you don't have now, when you can address that, that's when you will be able to create the security in all areas of your life. So that you can not just have the money. So you have that security, but you secure in your health, in your relationships, this level of fulfillment, having mental security, emotional, physical, and for those that were inclined spiritual, and really raw spiritual, it says it's a relationship with self and a relationship with community. And everyone has that. So I went into a mentorship that was my first paid experience in personal growth. And I know that the people that I met on that group had mixed success. And there was a few things that I learned from that is that some didn't fully immerse themselves in what needed to be done. For me, it was a big amount. So I'm like, I'm gonna get the most out of this. But it wasn't just that that particular training, it was like, what else do I need to know? How else do I need to grow? I was so determined to make that happen. And I see some of those people I'm still connected with now and they've had mixed results. Now I'm not saying that they haven't got what it is that they wanted. But I know that there were certain action that needed to be taken that that I took that that got results. And a big part of that was going away from just that financial security. And actually I Addressing holistic approach to it. And so this is part of what I teach in my main training, helping people to change those patterns of a lifetime. And some people have this fear, and what will they find if they start digging. And what you're gonna find is that there's patterns from statements that were made from people saying things from modeling, watching parents and other significant people in your life that created a way of thinking in your mind, which is just repeating. And when you can address whatever that thinking is, and reprogramming, then you can change your forward trajectory, you can change where you're heading. So within my training, it's about helping you to change those patterns to upgrade your thinking. So you start developing that self belief, to find what your zone of genius is, which is going to help you find consistent performance. Because you know, those times when you're operating the absolute best, and you have those thoughts of why can't I be like this all the time. So it's learning the strategy that's perfect for you, you specifically, your zone of genius to be able to take make those consistent performances, just start accelerating your progress, so doesn't feel like one step forward, two steps back, to find that inner calm, which all the money in the world won't bring you, you have to be able to do the work, you have to be able to make peace with whatever's causing the internal turmoil, and then be able to have those thriving relationships. So if these are things that you know, not only that you're looking for, but you need in your life, then reach out to me. And if you're not ready to do that just yet, then stay tuned, because we're gonna be talking more about this particular training for my online platform, in its final stages of completion. So you'll be able to have a look around and see what that's all about. So, like I said, Yeah, reach out to me. We'll stay tuned and you'll find out more. Have a great day. I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Grief Code podcast. Thank you so much for listening. Please share it with a friend or family member that you know would benefit from hearing it too. If you are truly ready to heal your unresolved or unknown grief, let's chat, email me at info at E and Hawkins coaching.com. You can also stay connected with me by joining the Grief Code community at Ian Hawkins coaching.com forward slash The Grief Code and remember, so that I can help even more people to heal. Please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform

About the Podcast

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The Grief Code
Make Peace With Your Past & Unlock Your Best Future

About your host

Profile picture for Ian Hawkins

Ian Hawkins

Ian Hawkins is the Founder and Host of The Grief Code. Dealing with grief firsthand with the passing of his father back in 2005 planted the seed in Ian to discover what personal freedom and legacy truly is. This experience was the start of his journey to heal the unresolved and unknown grief that were negatively impacting every area of his life. Leaning into his own intuition led him to leave corporate and follow his purpose of creating connection for himself and others.

The Grief Code is a divinely guided process that enables every living person to uncover their unresolved and unknown grief and dramatically change their life and the lives of those they love. Thousands of people have now moved from loss to light following this exact process.